Full Cheeks
Co-leading content strategy for a new small pet brand
I partnered with our brand team and an outside design agency to build a brand that offered everything needed to care for rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and other small pets.

Co-wrote 4 brand concepts using customer research alongside the brand team
Utilized the customer test results to co-develop a brand story with the design agency
Honed a significant number of brand names down to a handful – sent to customer testing
Suggested and advocated for the “Full Cheeks” brand name
Provided ideas for how the agency could interweave text and design to engage and educate customers
Helped divide editing tasks amongst a 5-writer copy team and collaborated with the design agency
Documented, maintained and disseminated an evolving content checklist to ensure consistency while proofing
Presented the overall communication strategy to the design team
Presented the habitat communication strategy to leadership

Submitted packaging for over 200 products and associated materials in 3 months